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Medical Care Nomination

Juniper Award for
Medical Care 

The Juniper Award for medical care recognizes the commitment of people in the medical field at all levels. Through financial reward, this Juniper Award aims to help remove financial barriers so recipients can concentrate on their critical contributions or continue their medical training.


Please note: the number of nominations per nominee is not a factor in the selection process. 

Demographic information is only used for data collection and reporting purposes and will never be used to influence the decision making process.

Thank you for your nomination!


Jeff's 'Why'

"I am impressed and humbled by the medical care I have received during my time as a cancer patient. I am grateful for the many tiers of caregivers it takes to deliver good medicine. I feel the sincerity of those who transfer me from the ER to my hospital room, take my blood pressure, administer my chemotherapy, and design my treatments. It makes me happy to imagine celebrating one medical caregiver per year."

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